Front Cover.

The front cover of my album cover required the most attention and i in fact made two versions before i made the final product;

1. This idea is completely different to my final product, i used a different image for this design, one that was of Hasan without any face paint or glitter on and used editing instead, i think that it is very unclear and that it would have been a bad idea to use this image since when showing people they found it hard to actually work out what it was. I also think that there is too much pink borderline, it makes it look very amateur and also very childish, which isn't the image i wanted to portray on my cover. I also decided against having the parental advisory sticker since this gives the image of the album being quite negative and slightly cuts down the possible audience since there will be people that are put off by the possibility of expletives etc.
There is also a huge amount of the cover being taken over by the background to the font, which looks untidy and once again quite amateur so this is something i have removed in my further designs.

2. This is the second cover i made and it is very similar to the final product, i used the scrabble font and separated them all so that there wasn't a huge amount of the background colour distracting the cover like in the first attempt. By not having an image that isn't completely photoshop based means that there is a stronger image that people can see and recognise, a feature that wasn't apparent in the first draft. I also decided to use a 'Black Leather' background to make the album cover have more of a rocky edge, since before it seemed very indie. By using leather then the genre of the CD will be portrayed in a more relevant light and will also cohere with the conventions of this genre. I think that the lack of Parental advisory sticker means that the CD is friendlier and also helps to sell the album to parents and other people that may be concerned with the contents of the disc, allowing our Album to become available to a wider audience.