My Final Front Design.

I looked at these two designs and wanted to develop it further to make sure that i was 100% happy with my final product, this would be the most important side of my Digipak since it would be what was on view in shops and what people would take their first opinions of. I made a list of features that an album must have in order to stand out from the 1000's of other discs in shops;

  • Bright/Bold Colours
  • A Striking Image
  • Interesting/Different Font
  • Relevance to the Genre
  • Memorable Name of Artist/Band/Album
Baring all these factors in mind here is my final front cover;

I think that my Album cover full fills all of the above bullet points since it has a bright background, The pink really stands our against the black background and will definitely stand out if it were in a shop. The name of both the band and the album are ones that stick in your brain and are likely to be remembered by a lot of people. Having previously discussed the font i think that it will be a big selling point since it has never been seen on an album cover before and this makes it unique and interesting. I have almost connected the bands name ' Constant Invasions' as this makes it more together and shows that its actually the bands name fully, Almost like one word rather than two separate ones.
After three attempts i am happy with my final product since it full fills the conventions of an album cover and also fills my ideals about my perfect album cover.