Audience Feedback about my Advertisement and what I have learnt.

These two graphs show me that the audience think that like my digipak, my advertisement is very eye-catching and that they would go out and purchase the album after seeing it.
29/30 people think that my advertisement would catch their eye, this is VERY successful since it means that if 29 people were looking to buy a new album and saw this in a magazine they would notice it and 26 of them say that they would purchase it all because of this advert.
Similarly to my digipak the results to the question 'What Genre do you think my Advertisement would fall under' had the majority pointing towards 'Indie' however the gap was a lot smaller with only 4 guesses in-between.
Some answers to the other questions were:

Best Features of my advertisement;
  • Bold colours- they are alternative to the usual magazine colours, they will catch your eye since they stand out.
  • The reviews- two big names; NME and Scott Mills with positive reviews= gives reassurance about whether it is a good album.
Worst Features of my advertisement;
  • Font difficulties- It is hard to see some letters since the background contrasts with the image.
  • The Name- unsure whether its a band, or singer? no information.
I have realised from both my digipak and advertisement that I need to distinguish between the two genres Pop-Rock and Indie since a lot of my products fall more into Indie, unlike my Video which is under Pop-Rock. This needs to come from research, both questionnaires and independent research can help to show what a Pop-Rock advert is like.
Like I mentioned before, I would definitely need to find a way of making sure that I ask in detail about what makes my advert more 'Indie'