My Advertisement

This is my Magazine Advertisement.
I have used a different image to the ones on my album cover to make sure that the audience know that the same picture is not overused. The font is the same though to try and create a image in the audiences minds so that the next time they see scrabble writing they instinctively think of my band and album/digipak.

The information I have included on my advertisement are;
  • The Date of release; this information provides the audience with a date to which they can obtain the Album, this is important since they need to be aware of when it is available.
  • OUT NOW!; This huge heading catches people's eyes and will attract them to take a closer look and investigate what is out now, this means that more people will look at the advertisement and it will full fill its task.
  • Reviews; This is a way of showing positive comments to the audience, allowing them to make up their own minds still, these two comments show that a popular magazine: 'NME' and radio presenter Scott Mills like it and this could influence their decision on whether to bother buying the album or not. Since both are popular then its like to work in a positive way and encourage more people to purchase the album.