In what ways does your product use forms and conventions of real media products?

Music Video;

Our music video is the most important part of the production, this creates the basis of the two ancillary task.
The conventions that we have followed for our media are;

  • Stereotypes; this means that the audience can relate to the characters and can connect to the characters feelings, so they can feel sympathy or empathy. They can also relate to the characters if they feel they fall under the same stereotype.
  • Love; this is an important sub-topic, there are usually always the aspects of love, the narrative is often the story of two lovers and their battles for example, we have the story of three different dates.


This is the second most important, it has to appeal to the audience visually since they will be purchasing the album depending on how it looks on the shelf.

The conventions I followed were;

  • The shape and size of the album cover; this is important, you never see rectangular shaped cd so its important that it is a square shaped.
  • The barcode and other texts; This is important to make sure that the CD looks professional, website links and a barcode are typical features of Albums as they are important information. The writing at the bottom is boring terms and conditions which are also used on most, if not all albums covers.

Magazine Advertisement;

This is the second ancillary task and it is important to have a connection between this and the digipak however it cannot be too similar or it would be repetitive and may appeal less to the audience.

The conventions i have followed are;

  • I have included date of realease- this is important to convey when the Album is out on sale, without this advert it would not have the oppurtunity to get publicity.
  • Reviews; this is to make sure that the audience are aware of other opinions that could influence them and possibly insure the audience to buy the album.