How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

My music video, Album cover/Digipak and Magazine article must all have synergy and in order to create this I must explore the areas that the audience will relate to most and which will build a relationship between them and us.
  • At first glance, there is no instant similarity between my music video and the digipak and magazine advertisement, however it does not necessarily have to match the exact image of the video. By not having a direct link between the two means that when they watch the video they will be surprised rather than already knowing what is involved. Superman can be described as shouty music since pop/rock songs often have loud vocals, the image of someone shouting refers to this and can create a subtle link between the two products.
  • Between the Album cover/Digipak and the Magazine Advert there are a large amount of similarities and they are bright and bold so are very like to stick in your mind. By using a unconventional font on both means that this image will stick in the audiences mind, having it twice means that it is more repetitive without being annoying, enough so that they can connect the font to the album.
  • Another feature that is alike is that they both follow the same colour scheme, this means that the colour will also be a reminder of the product and it will be hard for the audience to disconnect the colour from the album, therefore whenever they come across something that is this light green they will be instinctively reminded of our product.
  • The image is also quite different to anything else out there, these images wont be seen anywhere else except on products that will relate back to the music video or digipak and therefore these faces, all similar yet different will be printed in the audiences mind since its repeated 4 times altogether and will be like the colour scheme and font in the sense that it will always bring their mind back to one thing: Our Product!
Overall I think that all three products are effective together, although the video doesn't have complete direct links it still allows the audience to create their own ideas about the album cover connected to the video and possibly come up with their own individual reasons for remembering these products together.